Hygiene and protective measures
Please note the hygiene and protective measures that apply at the Zuger Kantonsspital.
The protection of patients, accompanying persons, visitors and employees from avoidable health risks has top priority. Therefore, the following hygiene and protection measures apply at the Zuger Kantonsspital:
Hand disinfection
Please disinfect your hands before entering and leaving the hospital.
The general obligation to wear a mask has been lifted.
The obligation to wear a mask continues to apply:
- in case of symptoms of a respiratory infection and/or proven respiratory virus (coronavirus, RS virus, influenza virus, etc.) for everyone entering the hospital during the entire hospital stay.
- for all persons involved in direct contact with immunocompromised patients as well as isolated patients in accordance with the infection prevention directive (see door sign in front of the patient's room)
Cloth masks are not permitted.
Wearing a mask in the hospital is recommended for the own protection of all persons with immunosuppression. A mask may be worn voluntarily by all persons at all times. Surgical masks are provided free of charge by the Zuger Kantonsspital.
Visitors with symptoms of respiratory infection and/or respiratory virus are recommended to postpone the visit.