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The specialist dermatology team deals with all skin diseases, skin appendages (hair, nails, adjacent mucous membranes) and hormonal diseases. These include acne, psoriasis and eczema. We specifically focus on the prevention and treatment of malignant skin changes.

New treatment options have been developed in recent years, particularly for chronic diseases such as psoriasis and chronic urticaria. These new forms of therapy may be implemented by our team of dermatologists after careful consultation with our patients.

We routinely deal with severe and rare skin diseases. Because of our close cooperation with university centres, such as the Zurich University Hospital, we can also offer these patients treatments based on the latest scientific research findings.

We place great importance on providing our patients with thorough and comprehensive advice and treatments. We rely on an interdisciplinary team of specialists, both within the hospital and throughout Switzerland, to provide the best possible therapy for our patients.

We do not perform any cosmetic surgery at the Zuger Kantonsspital. We would however be happy to recommend suitable specialist centres.


  • Evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin, nail and hair diseases

Make an appointment

T +41 41 399 40 36
F +41 41 399 40 41
E dermatologie@STOP-SPAM.zgks.ch

Our team

Konsiliarärztin Dermatologie und Allergologie
  • T+41 41 399 40 36
Konsiliarärztin Dermatologie und Allergologie
  • T+41 41 399 40 36
Konsiliararzt Allergologie und Dermatologie
  • T+41 41 399 40 36