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Sports medicine

«Sports medicine examines the influence of exercise, training and sports, as well as the lack of exercise, on healthy and unhealthy people of all ages to produce results that are conclusive to prevention, therapy and rehabilitation as well as beneficial for the athlete himself» (official definition from FIMS).

«Sport is something that’s fun to do!» – this is true, so long as you’re fit and healthy. For this reason, we recommend that athletes – as well as newcomers and those returning to sport – have regular sports medical check-ups, which we carry out in accordance with Swiss Olympic guidelines. A check-up involves a physical examination, a blood sample, checking urine status and performing an electrocardiogram.

Preventive measures can help to minimise injuries and strains. However, should problems nevertheless arise, you’re in good hands with us. We will have you examined as quickly as possible in order to make a diagnosis. We can then get started right away with the latest treatment methods and various therapeutic approaches tailored specifically to you. In this way, you get the most out of yourself and we get you back to your sporting activities as quickly and healthily as possible. In therapy and rehabilitation, however, the following applies: «Recovery is a marathon, not a sprint» (Jennifer Mulder). 

We look after national and international sports clubs/ national teams at events and in the hospital during our consultation hours. We also offer presentations and information for your sports club or company.

The Zuger Kantonsspital has been certified as a «Sport Medical Base approved by Swiss Olympic» since 1 January 2008 and offers a wide range of sports medicine services.


Appointment booking


The medical team covers the fields of internal medicine/metabolism, sports medicine, accident surgery, rheumatology and rehabilitation medicine. The interdisciplinary team is complemented by our specialists from the fields of sports physiotherapy, nutritional advice and radiology.

Medical Team

  • Stv. Chefarzt Medizinische Klinik
  • Consultant Sportmedizin
  • T+41 41 399 41 30
  • Leiter Sportmedizin
  • T+41 41 399 41 60
  • Leiter Rheumatologie / Osteoporose
  • Consultant Sportmedizin
  • T+41 41 399 41 90