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Qualified technical personnel

The intensive care unit of the Zug Cantonal Hospital is certified by the Swiss Society for Intensive Care Medicine (SGI), which means that it meets the standards required to offer highly specialised therapies to critically ill patients.

The cadre doctors in the intensive care unit all have specialist training in intensive care medicine. They also hold at least a second specialist title, for example in anaesthesia or internal medicine. This means that we have specialists with a broad and sound medical knowledge.

The nursing staff have a diploma at HF or FH level and are certified experts in intensive care NDS HF. They have several years of practical experience and sound medical knowledge in the field of intensive care.

Contact for specialists

T +41 41 399 49 88


  • Stv. Chefarzt Intensivmedizin / Ärztlicher Leiter Intensivstation
  • T+41 41 399 33 00
  • Stv. Chefärztin Anästhesie & Intensivmedizin / Stv. Leiterin Intensivstation
  • T+ 41 41 399 33 00

Teamleitungen Pflege / Therapien

  • Leiterin Pflege Intensivstation