About the Zuger Kantonsspital
The Zuger Kantonsspital comprises four clinics: the Surgery Clinic, the Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic, the Medical Clinic and the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic. These specialisations are complemented by anaesthesia / intensive care medicine with an intensive care unit, diagnostic and interventional radiology and the interdisciplinary emergency centre.
For more than 160 years, the Zuger Kantonsspital has been serving the health of the inhabitants of the canton of Zug. The hospital employs approximately 1,100 staff, working in a wide variety of fields of which around 180 are in training. We treat and care for more than 11,500 inpatients and more than 50,000 outpatients per year. More than 27,000 people are treated in the interdisciplinary emergency centre every year.
We attach great importance to quality, patient safety and patient satisfaction. We regularly monitor the quality of our services ourselves and undergo several audits by external experts every year. This ensures that the quality of our services is maintained and, wherever necessary, further improved for your well-being and safety.
Board of Directors
- Daniel Staffelbach, Präsident
- Rudolf Bruder
- Daniela de la Cruz
- Dr. med. Annemarie Fleisch Marx
- Christof Gügler
- Claudia Kraaz
Hospital Management
- Dr. Matthias Winistörfer, Spitaldirektor
- Anett Neubert, Gesamtleiterin Pflege / Therapien, Stv. Spitaldirektorin
- Serge Wilhelm, Leiter Personal und Finanzen, Stv. Spitaldirektor
- Dr. med. Christian Blumer, Chefarzt Radiologie
- Prof. Dr. med. Michael Bodmer, Chefarzt Medizinische Klinik
- Dr. med. Christoph M. Honegger, Chefarzt Frauenklinik
- Dr. med. Reto Twerenbold, Chefarzt Klinik für Orthopädie und Traumatologie
- Dr. med. Julia Peyer, Chefärztin Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin ad interim
- Dr. med. Michael Zünd, Chefarzt Chirurgische Klinik
- Strategy (46 KB)
- Organization Chart (32 KB)
- Annual Report 2019 (2 MB)
Ärzte-Gesellschaft des Kantons Zug Blutspendezentrum ZugDiabeteszug Gesundheitsdirektion Kanton Zug
Kinderspital ZürichKlinik Adelheid
Klinik Meissenberg AGKrebsliga Zentralschweiz Lungenliga Zentralschweiz Luzerner Kantonsspital MediQi Baar, Zentrum für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin
Rheumaliga Zürich, Zug und Aargau